This is a guide for all you aspiring bards, it will give general tips on how to get started and some hints on how to sing your songs. This is all based on my experiences and my personal choices so if you disagree with something, then disagree, I don’t mind at all.

Starting Out (levels 1 - 5)

When you first appear you have your standard newbie stuff. Bards don’t start with a song unlike other magic using characters so you will have to save for it. Equip your newbie shortsword and head out into the local newbie area. Here I would kill the basic creatures (rats, bats, decaying skeletons etc…) until you get about 2 gold. Then head back into town to your bard guild and pick up your first song, Chant of Battle. Go back into the newbie area and keep singing it constantly. It helps you a lot. After you get some more money, you will probably want to find some patchwork armor or buy some leather from a merchant., you will also want to buy a real weapon. When you hit level 5 you will find that a lot of the creatures are green to you. You can either stay there killing blues and looking for monsters with weapons (for some easy money) until level 6, or you can go out and find new things to kill. You will also get your percussion skill so remember to put one practice point into it before you start to use it.

Songs level 1 - 5

Levels 6 - 11

During these levels, you will find that the newbie monsters don’t give you any experience so you will need to look for bigger and tougher things to kill. You will also notice that when you con something, it may have a different message (i.e. an even says it will be risky now). You will probably want to stick with blues unless you are in a group, just to be safe. Of course, the choice is yours. At these levels you will also have the Hymn of Restoration which can heal you and your party. Just keep at it and you may want to consider buying some banded armor and a better weapon (i.e. fine steel, minotaur axe, etc…). You will get Stringed and Brass instruments, although your first brass song isn’t until level 18 or so. Be sure to train a point in stringed because if you play your healing song with a lute or mandolin, it will heal more hit points. Also, be sure to train one point into dodge, once you do, it will raise automatically while you fight.

Songs level 6 – 11

Levels 12 – 17

At these levels, you can still solo if you like (like I did) or you can go out in a group and do the same things you did before. Not much to say about these levels. You may want to buy a magic weapon and go kill wisps at level 13-15 though, I did this in the west commons area and made over 200pp while I got my 2 levels. It is entirely up to you though. At level 14 you will get your final instrument skill, winds, which is useful for a few songs, you will probably want to buy a flute and train a point in it so you can start practicing. I’d suggest you use Tarew’s Aquatic Ayre because it sings constantly instead of having to start over each time it works. When you hit 17 and get dual wield, immediately go train your point in it and buy another weapon, it is great getting that extra hit in a battle, even if it only happens every three or four rounds.

Songs level 12 – 17

General Hints and Tips


I can’t stress enough how useful this technique is, I always use it when I can and it helps a lot. When you sing a song, and then stop it, the song does not go away right away, it will stay there for a few seconds still, and this provides us an opportunity to start a second song. As soon as this second song’s effects are seen, stop it and start the original song again. This allows you to have two songs going at the same time. I have heard that you can do more, but I doubt that they will all be on at the same time. This technique works much better with songs whose effects are seen constantly, like Chant of Battle, than it does with pulse songs such as the Hymn of Restoration. If you juggle the Hymn of Restoration and Brusco’s Boastful Bellow (two pulse songs) then you will heal hit points, then hit your enemy, then heal, then hit, and so on. The heals and hits will not occur as quickly as heals would if you sang the Hymn alone, but you will heal damage as well. The true strength of this technique is when using two songs that have constant effects, like Chant of Battle and Jonathan’s Whistling Warsong. I used these two songs together when I was around level 9 and they allowed me to solo yellows. Together, their affects were layered on me, I gained 20 strength, 6 dexterity, and about 20 armor class. The effects of juggling these two songs helped me in battle many times. Also, if you have two songs that increase your magic resist (like Elemental Rhythms and Purifying Rhythms) you can juggle them to increase heat, cold, poison, disease resistances as well as increasing your magic resist two times. You should experiment with other combinations to find what suits you best.

Good luck in your travels and keep those instruments playing!

Willowin, Wood Elf Bard, Cazic-Thule