Black Burrow Brewers :
After you return Gnasher's head to guild leader Lark Juton, he will sometimes say that he requires your services to [assist in the extermination of gnoll brewers]. If you say the bracketed works, he go on further to tell you to go to Black Burrow and to kill the gnoll brewers and bring back any Black Burrow casks. He then continues to tell you "Upon your third cask I shall reward you with the [Cloak of the Jaggedpine]. The casks are found on "a gnoll master brewer" and on "a gnoll brewer" which are rare spawns at the end of the bottom bridge by the barrels in Black Burrow. For completing this quest you will be rewarded with the Cloak of the Jaggedpine, a Ranger and Druid only cloak, Magic Item, Lore Item, No Drop, 6 AC +3 DEX 1.5wt.Gnasher Furgutt's Head :
Ranger guild leader Larsk Juton wants you to kill a gnoll by the name of Gnasher Furgutt who is part of the Black Burrow stout brewing that is going on. Gnasher is approximately level 10 and occasionally spawns in Qeynos Hills usually somewhere near Black Burrow or the valley on the lake side of the zone. When you kill Gnasher he occasionally carries the note that was given to him by the bartender in Fish's Ale in South Qeynos. Give Gnasher's head to Larsk which will result in some minor coin , experience, faction and the Black Burrow Brewers quest. When you give the note next it will also result in more experience and faction. Larsk will then advise you to take the note to Captian Tillian in the arena in South Qeynos. When you hand over the note you will get MORE experience, faction and a Medal of Merit. He will then summon an executioner who will carry out the death sentence to the unwise bartender in Fish's Ale. The Medal of Merit ia a Lore Item that grants +5 CHA.Miranda's Brother :
Miranda Castekin in the Ranger guild house has a problem. She tells you that her brother had left for Qeynos and she has not seen or heard from him. After some investigating you learn that he was last seen in the Qeynos Aquaducts. When you make you way to the Qeynos Aquaducts you will learn that he is now a skeleton. Kill him and return to Surefall Glade to tell Miranda of the traged for some experience.Poacher Heads :
Talk to Gillarian Naelev, the first guild leader you see when you enter the Ranger guild house. It turns out that poachers are hunting the bears of Surefall Glade and he wants you to eliminate them. When you return the poacher head to him he will give you some gold, experience, and occasionally a minor item. He will then will speak of a master poacher. This leads to the Talym Shoontar's head quest.Talym Shoontar's Head :
After completing the poacher head quest in Surefall Glade, Gillarian Naelev will tell you of a master poacher. You will be given the task of killing the master poacher Talym Shoontar. This quest may be started by also talking to Ranger guild master Hagar Sureshoot. Talym Shoontar occasionally appears in Qeynos Hills, he usually travels the road from the West Karana zone to the stone marker and then turns to head towards North Qeynos. He is approximately level 15 but is very difficult, comparable to Dorn B`Dynn of North Ro. Be careful where you choose to fight him because if you are near the guards they will attack you. For completing this quest you get money, experience, faction and an item.