Complete Summary of Vex Thal Key quest - With 10 Shards!
Last Update July 2, 2002
This must be as close as we will get! As you know, all of this information has been copied/pasted from other posts. The credit goes to all the posters who contributed to get it this far.
Here are links to the posts that are the source of this document:
Started by Twiggie Tymberwolf:
1. The first part entails gathering 10 different shards from all over luclin.
2. For the second part, you will need to obtain a Scepter Frame and combine the 10 shards to reassemble the Scepter. This Scepter is now a 2 slot container.
3. The third part will require the killing of the Emperor and looting a Staff. This Staff has 2 charges of Summon a Shaded Sphere. Zaar of Triton confirmed it with : Yea 2x charges of 20 power source, so 40.
4. The fourth part is the re-energizing of the Scepter by combining the Orb of Luclinite and the summoned Shaded Sphere in the reassembled Scepter.
5. Enjoy your key as the final product is the Scepter of Shadows aka Vex Thal Key - Item 22198 in Magelo.
6. Use key to enter Vex Thal ======> spell effect is not relevant.
Please note that the Maiden Eye shard seems to be the most elusive to obtain. It drops from a few different Gorangas but seems to require heavy camping. Sorry! Let's hope that the May 8th patch may answer our prayers for many, many drops. Indeed, the drops have been increased in ME. Thanks!
Shard 1: The Grey - Kel - 22185 - Boulder, Sun Revenants
Shard 2: FG - Dat - 22186 - Shik'Nar Warrior, Soldier, Royal and possibly Forager
Shard 3: Scarlet Desert - Set - 22187 - Sun Revenants and Sun Reavers.
Shard 4: The Deep - Raf - 22188 - Thought Leeches or Thought Horrors
Shard 5:Ssra - Vin - 22189 - Skeletal Drudge and a few more random mobs
Shard 6:Akheva - Dax - 22190 - Xi Vius or Shadow Reavers - Roudy Rubble - Shade Golem
Shard 7 : Dawnshroud - Lor - 22191 - Rockhoppers - Sambata
Shard 8: Maiden Eye - Tak - 22192 - Goranga Forager, Gatherer, Hunter, Prophet, Seer
Shard 9:Acrylia - Ved - 22193 - Grimling Skullcrackers
Shard 10:Sanctus Seru - Kelara - 22194 - A Legionneer of the Hand at Marus Seru zone
Other Items and Containers
Summoned from Emperor Staff: Shaded Sphere - 22195
Glowing Orb of Luclinite - 22196
Sceptre of Akelha Ra FRAME - 17323.
The first container you will need is the Sceptre of Akelha Ra FRAME. It is a 10 slot container than holds only tiny items. It is originally called the Shadowed Scepter Frame. The reassembled Scepter is a 2 slot container that will be used to combine the Sphere and Orb.
Vex Thal Key
The Scepter of Shadows - Item 22198
This has been copied from several posts and consolidated. Again, credit goes to original posters.
Getting ready for the dialogues...
Head to Akheva. From the zone in, run straight, past the fallen pillar. When you get to the next room, head right. Going left will take you to Va'Dyn. Go down the next set of stairs. To your right is IV. Go left, you will see a large "gate" with two "shades" standing on the left and right edges of this gate.
Pull the far right shade, it will bring 2 mobs. Clear them, then move in hugging the right side. Cross directly over the open area and kill the alien midget mob that is by a set of stairs. Then run up those stairs where you will fight 3 alien mobs that have 4 arms each. They only hit for ~160s and can be slowed. Be sure to root the last one. Sometimes they will drop a "Ans Xundrau xi Tekar" 13/25 3 to all stats dagger, melee and caster only.
At this point, you can drop down from the stairs and you will see a number of green con "Sacrificed Remains" and a "Shimmering Presence."
From there you will need items from a mage and a necro to continue the script.
Dialogues and actions...
A shimmering presence's voice invades your mind.
'Shadows can not exist without light. Bring me a wisp stone so that my balance can be righted by their soft glow.
This points to a MAGICIAN SPELL:
Name: Summon Wisp
Level: 4
Type: Summon a No-Rent Miscellaneous Object
Actual Effects: Summons Wisp
Description: This will summon a "wisp stone" that acts as a light source when worn for those who cannot see well at nighttime.
Give the summoned Wisp stone and Spirit of Akelha `Ra will spawn.
You say, 'Hail, The Spirit of Akelha`Ra'
The Spirit of Akelha`Ra 's hollow eyes look up at you. You have the distinct impression that she can see right into the darkest shadows of your soul. She opens her mouth to speak but the sounds you hear come from inside your mind. 'Greetings mortal, thank you for releasing me from my [tormented prison].
You say, 'what tormented prison'
The Spirit of Akelha`Ra appears to be fading in and out of existence as you speak to her. The spirit's voice fills your mind. 'I am Akelha`Ra, once high priestess of Luclin and leader of the Akheva. This form you see before you now is a fading remnant of my former existence. The storm was the cause of my imprisonment in the world of undying [spirits].
You say, 'what spirit'
The Spirit of Akelha`Ra says 'We Akheva are immortal entities placed in this plane by the mistrees of shadow. We are her most perfect creation. Death has no meaning to us, as even in death we find rebirth through the power of the mistress. My imprisonment was caused by my seperation from the power of the mistress by [Atenha`Ra]. It was she who sent the storm to destroy me and all that followed me. '
You say, 'who is atenha ra'
The Spirit of Akelha`Ra says 'It is more then a little ironic that Atenha`Ra is a reflection of myself. An entity created from my own consciousness, a reflection of a shadow. She now holds the seat of grand power in [Vex Thal], and I have not the power to gain entry to the city, let alone face her. You must find my scepter that was lost in the storm to gain entry to Vex Thal. The scepter has likely lost much of it's power from being shattered. Once it is reassembled you will need to merge a Orb of Luclinite with a source of celestial power inside the scepter. The spirits whisper that the emperor of the Shissar holds the power to manipulate such energy. Be weary of him, he is heralded as the slayer of gods, the defiler of realities. '
You say, 'what Vex Thal'
The Spirit of Akelha`Ra says 'Vex Thal is the sacred home of the Akheva. The place where Luclin's power directly touches this world...ungh... I can not summon the frame of my scepter in my current weakened state. I need a soul to regain my pow...' As she speaks you can see her slowly fade out of existence. You wonder how long her spirit will stay with this world. She seems entirely unable to speak to you now, and can only muster the strength to point at the ground at Dimi 's feet. Dimi reaches down a picks up a small emerald off the ground, but it disappears silently into the shadows. Akelha`ra looks as if she is trying to speak again. '
This points to a Emerald Essence. Hand it in to collect the Scepter Frame that will allow to reassemble the Scepter.
You say, 'what frame of your scepter'
The Spirit of Akelha`Ra opens her mouth to speak, but the voice in your head is no longer audible. You reach forward to touch the fading shadow of a creature and draw back in horror as your hand disrupts the spirit before you. She evaporates into the shadows once more.
Poof :(
Edited by:
Xiggin at: 7/2/02 10:48:35 pm