Bards in Combat

This bard guide is combat oriented, and there are several reasons for this.

So this guide contains tips mainly on how to be a better addition to a party in a combat. It also contains a chapter on how to fight without weapons, using just songs and instruments.

At the time of writing my bard is level 25, so some tasks and tactics will be somewhat different if your bard is at a different level.

Work Tasks

From active sports I've learned that a team is most efficient when each team member has specific work tasks to solve during the match. It is no different in EverQuest, so I've set up a set of work tasks for the bard. The tasks assume that the group is fighting a tough fight, but one that your group will win if all perform optimally.

General tasks:

Situation-specific tasks:

Note: Because most of the bard's songs affect the whole party, he will very often be the target of any monster that is not engaged by another party member. The other party members (especially the cleric) must be made aware of this; if they aren't, the life expectancy of a bard in a fight against multiple monsters is often quite short.

Setting up the above work tasks, I've assumed that the other party members have their tasks too. These tasks are roughly:




For an excellent guide to group combat for most classes, check out Clan Skallagrim's guild page and click the "Grouping" link.

Twisting Songs

I guess most Bards are aware of this ability, but I'll briefly repeat it just in case.

Most Bard songs continue to have an effect for a period of time after the song is ended. This makes it possible for the Bard to have two or three song effects going at the same time. As soon as the effect of one song starts (for example Hymn of Restoration), end the song and immediately start another one (for example Anthem de Arms). As soon as the effect of that song starts, end it and start yet another - or the first one again.

When my bard's level was in the low teens, I was only able to twist two songs. Now, in the mid-twenties, I can twist three. Part of the
explanation is that I have become better at timing WHEN to end the songs (you can actually end it just BEFORE you get the effect message from the server, thanks to lag), but I also think the songs last a little bit longer as you progress in level or instrument skill.

Anyway, you should always twist songs to be as efficient as possible. The one exception I've found so far is Kelin's Lucid Lullaby - it only lasts one tick, so when you need it, you must sing it constantly and you cannot twist it with other songs. Unfortunately. There is also a rumor that you cannot twist the Hymn of Restoration anymore, but this is not true, as you will easily find out if you test it yourself.

Hotkey Setup

Because a bard will have to twist his songs to be as efficient as possible, the player will usually have more keyboard action going on during combat than players with other characters. A good hotkey setup is then important for you to handle your bard optimally. What I've found useful is to have different hotkey setups for different situations and tasks.

Hotkey setup 1:

Hotkey setup 2:

Hotkey setup 3:

Hotkey setup 4:

Hotkey setup 5:

Hotkey setup 6:

Pure Song Fighting

A much overlooked fighting potential of the Bard is that of fighting using just songs with instruments. This is a pretty fun way to fight, and can be more efficient than standard fighting (weapons and songs without instruments).

To do this efficiently you need a good hotkey setup. Here's what I personally use for the pure song attack:

  1. Denon's Disruptive Discord
  2. Chords of Dissonance
  3. Hymn of Restoration
  4. Selo's Accelerando
  5. Melee slot 2 (Horn)
  6. Inventory slot 1 (Mandolin)

As you see from this setup it's possible to make inventory slots and melee slots into hotkeys. You can then use them just as if you had your inventory up, meaning you can switch items between different slots by left-clicking on them. This makes switching between two instruments much easier and faster.

The fight is often initiated by bellowing the monster, then running to a "safe" place to fight. During the fight I then follow this routine:

Many times I've experienced ending a fight with the monster dead and myself at full health. This is perfect - no downtime resting! Not many other classes (if any) can accomplish this.


This guide should enable you to get the most out of your bard in combat. When performing optimally, the bard is not the poor fighter cousin but rather an awesome addition to any party. So go out there and show Norrath the true power of music!

Wineyard Wilde, Bard of the Journeyers on Mithaniel Marr